Archie Proudfoot – hackney sign writer


What vicar doesn’t like a spot of gilding on his front door?

Here Archie Proudfoot, Hackney sign writer and “gold leaf artist”, works quickly to give us a simple serif makeover at the Vicarage.

You might think that sign writing has become a dying art, with so many different fonts available on line and mass production so straightforwardly available. You’d be wrong! Maybe precisely because it’s possible now to “self format” the craft has found renewed popularity.

Here Archie shows us how to do it and some tricks of the trade he’s picked up through his growing practice in Hackney as well as the Carters signwriters’ collective, which got him going.

Who’d have thought a packet of Imperial Leather talcum powder could come in so handy?





If you want to contact Archie Proudfoot then you can do so through his website